What does being productive mean?

Putting your nose to the grindstone and just getting more done?

Being productive is about doing more of the right things. That means identifying key tasks and eliminating everything else.

Here’s how to do it:

Passion + proficiency = productivity

Go through your tasks and projects, and rate your passion and proficiency for each of them.

Passion refers to your level of motivation for a given task. Proficiency represents your skill level for that task and the contribution it makes to your work.

After your evaluation, eliminate the tasks that score low on passion or proficiency. Perhaps ordering office supplies bores you and you always mess it up. In that case, maybe you can delegate it.

You can also cut tasks that you’re proficient in but have zero passion for. You might handle your team’s budget with finesse, but staring at numbers might completely drain your energy and motivation.

Tasks that you love but aren’t proficient at are trickier. But bear in mind that by doing them, you’re not adding value to your company. If web design excites you, but you’re a newbie, you might get bogged down with tasks that a web developer could do faster and better.

Spending your time on tasks you’re passionate about and proficient in is enjoyable, valuable and an all-around win for your productivity.